Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 21, 2017
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 18, 2017
Tomorrow is our Polar Express Day! Students can wear pajamas as long as they are dress code appropriate. We will be watching the movie, The Polar Express, and drinking hot chocolate. Tomorrow is also an early release day, we will dismiss at 11:45.
Thank you,
Stephanie Bradley
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 11, 2017
Good Morning,
We have great activities and lessons planned for this week. Our class enjoyed making gingerbread playdough last week. This week we will be using the gingerbread playdough during math centers to help us visualize and write number sentences.
Our Christmas party will be on December 20th at 9:00. Each child needs to bring 21 items to school to put in everyone’s Christmas bags. Please send those items to school this week, if possible.
Weekly Plans and Activities
Morning Activities and Journal Writing (practice using sight words: it, review: is, my, put, look, you, do, get
- M – making Sight Words with play-doh
- T – write a pop up sentence, It is a _____.
- W – sight word tic tac toe
- Th –-Sight Word Memory
- F – free writing or finish up a writing you have started that is in your writing folder, add Christmas/Winter word bank to writing resource folder
Morning Message:
- M- COGAT Testing (all kindergarten)
- T –diagraph “ch”
- W – COGAT Testing (all kindergarten)
- Th –beginning sounds secret message
- F –Deleting Final Phonemes Practice
- Continue working on creating a book about a topic you are interested in with a partner
- Interactive Writing: Daily News
- December Words and Inspiration Pages free writing
- Review Punctuation and Writing Checklist and Spaghetti and Meatball spaces charts
- Labeling an Elf/Labeling a Tree
- Christmas Sticker Stories
- Books – Click, Clack, Moo, Christmas at the Farm, The Gingerbread Man, Olive the Other Reindeer
- Poems – Peppermint Stick and 5 Little Gingerbread Men (focus on sight words and color words)
- Focus –Inferencing, Retelling, Beginning/Middle/End, Story Elements
- Questions –Inferencing/When You Retell…, In the Beginning…, Next…, At the end…
- Phonics Lessons and Activities- deleting final phonemes, beginning sounds, diagraph “ch”, CVC word boxes, sight word chants
Math: (Comparing sets of objects up to 20 using comparative language, Reading, Writing, and Representing Numbers up to 20 with and without objects)
- M-F – Number Talks: (Number Strings and Dot Cards) Christmas Subtilizing, Problem Solving with the Gingerbread Playdough, Using a Rekenrek
- M – draw the number 10 in different ways, continue Christmas ornament number mix up (arrange numerals 0-12 in the correct order)
- T – Elf vs. Reindeer Graph, Problem Solving, Comparing and Ordering Numbers-MIMIO
- W –Discussion on Comparing Strings of Numbers, continue Hot Chocolate Addition w/cotton marshmallows, Tenzy Dice Game
- Th –Greater Than/Less Than Discussion and Chart, continue to use Uno cards to complete greater than/less than sentence strips
- F – Rekenreks, continue 4 In a Row game, Pipe Cleaner/Bell Shape STEM Activity
Science/Social Studies:
- M –finish Brainstorming and submit list of questions to Santa to prepare for Santa chat
- T – skype with Santa
- W – Mystery Doug-Where Does Chocolate Come From?
- T – -Paint Bread Ornaments
- F –candy cane science experiment
Hope you all have a great week!!
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 9, 2017
Good Morning! It definitely feels like Christmas outside now. All of the kids are sure hoping we get some snow soon. I hope you all have a great weekend! Our class is going to be creating lots of fun things before we get out for Christmas break. We need your help to make it happen! If you are able to pick up any of the items below this weekend, it would be much appreciated. Here are the items we will need:
-one large Tub of Hot Cocoa Mix or individual packets (21 kids)
-1 Bag of Mini Marshmallows
-4 bags of large marshmallows
-2 Canisters of Oatmeal to Make Reindeer Food
-glitter (any color)
-1 package of pipe cleaner (any color)
-1 package green solo cups
Thank you so, very much in advance!
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 7, 2017
The Kindergarteners have their very own Pete the Cat Christmas Tree at White Oak Primary! Scan this QR Code to listen to them sing a Pete the Cat Song from the book Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons!

Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 7, 2017
If you would like to place a December Scholastic book order, please enter it today. Our class code is RGQPG and you can order using the following link:

The catalogs this month have great prices on books for Christmas gifts. Every order helps earn free books and materials for our classroom.