November 12-16


Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 11, 2018

November 12-16

We are sure enjoying the disquised turkeys being sent in! Our class has enjoyed sharing and looking at them each day. Some designs we have seen so far are: Harry Potter, Ariel, Popcorn, and a Christmas Tree! Thank you for working on this project as a family. This has been so fun for our students. Please continue to send in your disguised turkey’s this week as you get them completed.

November 5-9

This week we will be learning:

  • I Love You Ritual song: Jack Be Noodle
  • Penmanship: Letters: continue Yy, Ee, Ff, review letters and numbers
  • Sight Words: do, get
  • Reading: Ten Thankful Turkey’s ,Thanksgiving for Emily Ann,  Pete The Cat Thanksgiving, Turkey Trouble
    • Brainpop jr. Character and Setting
    • Make a Beginning, Middle, End Foldable
    • Group work, illustrate characters, setting, problem, and solution.
    • Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences
    • Graphic organizer with sequencing
    • erase a rhyme
    • Focus on sight words (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at, little, in, is, my, put, you, look, do, get)
  • Poems:
    • I’m a Little Turkey
    • Go Get Some


  • number talks – Show 3 dot cards with 5 (in different ways) on them. Discuss how many are on each card. Have them justify their thinking. “How do you know they all have 5 when they look so different?”
  • Number Line Game: Partners each create their number line. They take turns removing a card while their partners eyes are closed. The partner has to figure out which number is missing.
  • Game:: Teach Roll and Build
  • Math Inventory Bags Investigations:
  • Create 2D and 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows
  • Gobble, Gobble, Roll, Add, andCover
  • Turkey Feather Count (with pipe cleaners and beads)
  • Problem Solving – There were 5 turkeys. 2 turkeys ran away. How many turkeys are left?



  • Turkey Story: Model-  Parts of book, create your own book 
  • Students will work with a partner to create a book, review parts of a story
  • journals – use sight words (color words and other sight words I, see, we, go, on, the, go, am, like, can, me, at, little, in, is, my, put, look, you, do, get)
  • writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation), reference our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
  • continue adding to our personal word wall in our writing folders and Use sentence frames to help us write\
  • Finish Thanksgiving Paper Bag Book using our class thankful brainstorming chart
  • lesson on writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
  • Thankful Sentences writing
  • Social Studies/Science:
    • sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
    • Why do leaves change colors?
    • Holiday Celebrations – Thanksgiving (brainpop jr.)
    • Fun Friday – Blessing Mix and Friendship Bracelet
    • The Night Before Thanksgiving book
    • Feeling Buddies: utilize partner chart we created last week for I Love You Rituals, continue learning the five-step self regulation process

We tried the walking spiders experiment but unfortunately it was too windy outside. We will try again on a day with less wind.

ten frame addition

finding our rhyming partner

building sight words

sorting letters b and d

It is so exciting when the tooth fairy visits!! We love hearing about each tooth fairy visit!

We enjoyed singing our I Love You Ritual with Mrs. Busha’s class this week.

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