One Week Left – Limeades for Learning


Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 23, 2018

I am so excited to share the great news that our class project, Wiggle and Wobble in Kindergarten, was funded today. Our wiggle cushions and wobble stools will be sent to our classroom soon! Thank you so much for your help in meeting this project goal, we had 2400 votes!!

There is still one week left in the Limeades for Learning Sonic campaign. I was able to get another project approved through Sonic so that we can enter our remaining stickers and votes into that project in hopes that we get the new project funded as well!

 Continue sending in Sonic Limeades for Learning stickers and voting everyday for our new project:

Math, Science, Literacy and Sensory Play in Kindergarten

These materials will provide hands-on learning in math, science, and literacy while meeting my students sensory needs. Our class loves learning about 2D and 3D shapes. The shape books (The Greedy Triangle, The Perfect Square, and Shapes, Shapes, Shapes), the 3d Geometric shape blocks, and the Tumble Trax Magnetic Marble set will provide them engaging materials to further their understanding of shapes and how they work in the world around us. The math games will provide further exploration of the math concepts we cover in kindergarten. The large beanbag chair and Tactile Alphabet Sandpaper Letters will help meet the sensory needs of my students. The fine motor kit will allow my students to build their fine motor muscles while exploring in our sensory and science center.

We are needing close to 3000 votes for this project to get funded! Please go by sonic if you can and ask them for any extra stickers or rolls of stickers they may have. I appreciate your help and am excited for the new materials for our class!!

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