Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 22, 2018
October 22-26
Tomorrow kicks off our Red Ribbon Week festivities! Here is the daily schedule for the week.
Monday: Wear Red.
Support the Red Ribbon Awareness campaign.
Tuesday: Wear your favorite team jersey or t-shirt.
“Team up against drugs!”
Wednesday: Wear dress-code appropriate pajamas.
“Stay healthy, and have sweet dreams!”
Thursday: Wear crazy socks.
“Healthy habits help you stand out!”
Friday: Wear Roughneck spirit colors.
“Roughnecks stand strong against drugs!”
- Continue sending in Sonic Limeades for Learning stickers and voting everyday for our project. This is the last week to vote and send in stickers.
- Vote, Vote, Vote for our project: Wiggle and Wobble in Kindergarten
- We want Sonic to choose our project to help fund so we need as many votes as we can get!
- Send in one mini pumpkin for your child to use for our pumpkin investigation science lessons this week.
- I will send a reminder note home for the Student Led conferences on October 29th with your time on it this week.
- Students can dress up on Halloween day as their favorite book character. Remember this is a half day for students.
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Here’s The Bunny
- Penmanship: Review letters we have learned so far, review numbers 1-10
- Sight Words: is, my, put, continue learning all color words
- Reading: Spookly the Square Pumpkin, The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t Afraid of Anything
- describe characters in story and discuss reasons for their actions
- Discuss what Spookly did to help others. Students will draw a picture of something they have done to help others.
- retelling the story, sequencing and story elements
- rhyming picture match
- erase a rhyme
- focus on sight words (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at, little, in, is, my, put), capital letters, punctuation
- discuss the topic and details of nonfiction book
- discuss connections readers have to books, students will tell about their personal connections with our book this week
- make your own Spookly!
- Poems:
- Little Bluebird
- 5 Little Pumpkins
- Math:
- number talks – Pips on a Dice
- Discuss different ways of counting
- problem solving – which 3D shapes roll, stack, or slide?
- sort 2D/3D shapes by attributes, graph 3D shapes, begin creating 3D shape Halloween House
- continue Measurement (measurement cards using objects to measure
- lesson on ways to make 5 using ten frames.
- Introduce New Game: race to twenty, review one more, one less
- Pumpkin Emotion Graph
- Graph – Are you Afraid of spiders? Yes/No, recreate graph using objects
- Counting Jar (counting items in a jar in 2 different ways and then creating that quantity using other items)
- lesson on finding numbers throughout our world
- math rotation:
- math by myself – Pumpkin Seeds Counting Story, QR code math write the room,
- math with a partner – 2D/3D Shape Sorting, problem solving in journal
- math in writing- finish How Many Apples Tall are You? measure and then draw in journal
- math in technology – shape and number osmo and math mimio, number sense games
- Meet with Teacher – Dice to Ten Frame Bump game
- Writing
- Continue – Why do writers write? Make a chart discuss and list different reasons for writers to write
- Use heart maps and journal covers to draw and write about something you love and know about.
- Continue – Halloween Story: Discuss adding detail to our pictures. Draw a picture of halloween costume, write about where you will go on Halloween and write about what you will do. Discuss what makes a 3 Star Picture
- journals – use sight words (color words and other sight words I, see, we, go, on, the, go, am, like, can, me, at, little, in, is, my, put)
- writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation), reference our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
- continue adding to our personal word wall in our writing folders
- Use sentence frames to help us write
- Boo! Writing
- My Fun Day Writing
- lesson on writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
- Social Studies/Science:
- sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
- Bat Facts
- Drawing and Labeling a bat
- KWL Bats
- parts of a pumpkin
- 5 Senses Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Investigation using the mini pumpkins from each student
- Fun Friday – Walking Spiders!
- Feeling Buddies: I Can Calm Myself class book