Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 15, 2018
- Pajama Day on Tuesday, December 18th
- Bounce House during specials on Wednesday, December 19th (make sure you are wearing socks)
- Christmas Party on Thursday, December 20th @ 9:00
Dear Parents,
Our class is so excited about our Christmas party coming up this week! We have been busy making Christmas crafts to prepare for this special day. Below are some details you will need to know.
When: Thursday, December 20, 2018
Where: Room 107 (Mrs. Bradley’s Classroom)
Time: 9:00-10:00
(Party set-up begins at 8:30. Please come early and help if you are able to.)
We will have a “Penny Christmas” in our classroom. Each student can bring 20 small gifts. For example: erasers, pencils, candy canes, ornaments….anything inexpensive that will be a special gift. We have 11 girls and 9 boys. The students will be able to open their gift bags at the party. Please send the 20 small gifts to school, with your child, by Tuesday, December 18th. During the party, the students will open their Christmas bags full of goodies from their friends.
We will also enjoy snacks and a few crafts and games. If you are able to be here for the Christmas party, we would love for you to come celebrate with our class. Once the party is over, you are welcome to take your child home with you. There will be a sign-out sheet in my classroom.
We are so blessed to have so many parents willing to help with our party. I have asked Amber Apple and Jessica Shields to help with planning/organizing the party. They are in the process of contacting parents about items or help needed for our class Christmas party. Please let me know if you have not been contacted and would like me to pass on your number to them.
Thank you for all of your help! You’re always welcome to call me if you need anything or have any questions at 903-291-2171.
Thank You,
Mrs. Bradley
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 11, 2018
I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Last week our Elf appeared and we decided as a class to call him Mr. Elfie. He was busy this past week noticing kindness and helpfulness! One of our students jobs is the kindness recorder. At the end of the day this person records the kind/helpful information on a sticky note to add to our kindness tree.
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: :Snuggle Up
- Penmanship: review letters previously learned, review of numbers 1-20
- Sight Words: review sight words previously learned
- books: Moosletoe, Click Clack Moo Christmas, Santa, Santa, What Do You See?, An Elf for Christmas, The Gingerbread Man Loose At Christmas,
- Retell Anchor Chart
- make inferences based on cover, title, illustrations and plot
- Make a Beginning, Middle, End Foldable
- Group work: illustrate characters, setting, problem, and solution.
- sequencing and predicting – students will help complete a sequencing anchor chart using notecards
- Poems: Peppermint Stick
- Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences in poems
- sight words we have learned so far: (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at, little, in, is, my, put, you, look, do, get, he, she, it, for, and)
- phonics: erase a rhyme, deleting final sounds, diagraph /sh/, /th/
- Graph: Would you rather be an elf or a reindeer?
- compare sets of objects up to 20 in each set using comparative language and use comparative language to describe two numbers up to 20 presented as written numerals.
- Ways I Can Do Math Anchor Chart
- number talks –Number Strings PowerPoint, “What do you see? How do you see it? What do you notice about the 3 different pictures?” Ways to Make Ten: use post-its
- Play pass the dot card game
- Counting Jar, counting backwards to double check amount in jar
- Number Line Game: Partners each create their number line. They take turns removing a card while their partners eyes are closed. The partner has to figure out which number is missing.
- Measurement Towers Use 10 – students will compare if the cube tower is longer/taller, or shorter/smaller than items
- Comparing Numbers Achor Chart – More, Fewer, Same
- Jingle Bell Shapes using pipe cleaners and bells. Count sides and name shape.
- MIMIO: Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers
Math Centers:
- Create individual math problems using gingerbread men stickers
- Christmas Spin and Graph
- Christmas Ornament Number Order Headband
- Hot Chocolate Addition
- Comparing Numbers Card Game
- Students will finish the book they are currently working on, review parts of a story, using capitalization and punctuation, and using spaces in between words
- We will begin Star Student/Daily News: we will pick a few students each day and have them help them write a sentence they would like to share about themselves. We will focus on capitalization, spacing, punctuation and sentence structure.
- review drawing a 3 star picture
- journals – use sight words (color words and other sight words I, see, we, go, on, the, go, am, like, can, me, at, little, in, is, my, put, look, you, do, get, he, she, it, for, and)
- Labeling a Tree – directed student drawing
- writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation), reference our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
- continue adding to our personal word wall in our writing folders and Use sentence frames to help us write
- lesson on writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
- Christmas Sticker Story
- Labeling an Elf-focus on adding details to their pictures also.
Social Studies/Science:
- sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
- Finish activities on Needs and Wants
- Continue lesson on Solids, Liquids, and Gases – Making Snowman Glue Ornament (from liquid to solid)
- online Santa chat
- candy sink or float, graph prediction and result
- continue creating Christmas Bread ornaments
- Fun Friday – Make Reindeer Dust
Feeling Buddies:
- Feeling Buddies Lesson on Helping My Buddies
- To practice offering empathy to our Feeling Buddy and, in turn, learn self-regulatory self-talk
- Review 5 Steps of Self Regulation
- Practice language to use when talking to Angry and Scared buddies
- Read Helping My Feeling Buddies book
- Make Class Book – I Help Keep My School Family Safe, reproducible 4.3A
- Each child will name one thing she does to keep it safe.
Hope you all have a great week!!
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 26, 2018
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I have enjoyed spending time with family and friends this past week. I was also able to get a little Christmas shopping done. We have started putting up our Christmas decorations but still have more to finish. I sure have missed my sweet class!! I am so excited to see everyone on tomorrow.
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Hot Cross Buns
- Penmanship: Letters: continue Uu, Ss, Zz review of numbers 1-20
- Sight Words: he, she
- books: The Gingerbread Man Loose At Christmas, The Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Friends
- make inferences based on cover, title, illustrations and plot
- Make a Beginning, Middle, End Foldable
- Group work: illustrate characters, setting, problem, and solution.
- sequencing, predicting, comparing different versions of The Gingerbread Man
- Poems: 5 Little Gingerbread Men
- Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences in poems
- sight words we have learned so far: (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at, little, in, is, my, put, you, look, do, get, he, she)
- phonics: erase a rhyme, deleting final sounds
- compare sets of objects up to 20 in each set using comparative language and use comparative language to describe two numbers up to 20 presented as written numerals.
- Brainpop Jr. Comparing Numbers, Comparing Numbers, Comparing Sets of Numbers, and Ways I Can Do Math Anchor Chart
- number talks –Number Strings PowerPoint, “What do you see? How do you see it? What do you notice about the 3 different pictures?” and dot cards
- What’s Your Favorite Christmas Song Graphing Activity
- Counting Jar, counting backwards to double check amount in jar
- Christmas Shape Tree
- Number Line Game: Partners each create their number line. They take turns removing a card while their partners eyes are closed. The partner has to figure out which number is missing.
- Measurement Towers Use 10 – students will compare if the cube tower is longer/taller, or shorter/smaller than items
- Gingerbread Cookie Graphing
Math Centers:
- Finish Math Inventory Bags Investigations
- Create individual math problems using gingerbread men stickers
- Finish Gobble, Gobble, Roll, Add, and Cover
- Finish Turkey Problem Solving – There were 5 turkeys. 2 turkeys ran away. How many turkeys are left?
- Christmas Spin and Graph
- Christmas Tree Number Order Craft
- Hot Chocolate Addition
- Comparing Numbers Card Game
- Students will continue work with a partner to create a book, review parts of a story
- journals – use sight words (color words and other sight words I, see, we, go, on, the, go, am, like, can, me, at, little, in, is, my, put, look, you, do, get, he, she)
- Letters to Santa Anchor Chart and students will write their own letter to Santa
- writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation), reference our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
- continue adding to our personal word wall in our writing folders and Use sentence frames to help us write
- lesson on writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
- How To Decorate a Christmas Tree writing
Social Studies/Science:
- sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
- Lesson on Needs and Wants, relate to Santa letter we are writing this week
- Brainpopjr: Solids, Liquids, and Gases – Candy Cane Experience
- Fun Friday – Make gingerbread playdough
- Feeling Buddies: Making Friends with my buddies, students learn how to accept our emotional states instead of pushing them away, discuss common classroom situations/problems, list hurtful words they might say when anger gets ahold of them. Then write helpful words they might say when they calm down and are able to engage the thinking part of their brains.
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 11, 2018
November 12-16
We are sure enjoying the disquised turkeys being sent in! Our class has enjoyed sharing and looking at them each day. Some designs we have seen so far are: Harry Potter, Ariel, Popcorn, and a Christmas Tree! Thank you for working on this project as a family. This has been so fun for our students. Please continue to send in your disguised turkey’s this week as you get them completed.
November 5-9
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Jack Be Noodle
- Penmanship: Letters: continue Yy, Ee, Ff, review letters and numbers
- Sight Words: do, get
- Reading: Ten Thankful Turkey’s ,Thanksgiving for Emily Ann, Pete The Cat Thanksgiving, Turkey Trouble
- Brainpop jr. Character and Setting
- Make a Beginning, Middle, End Foldable
- Group work, illustrate characters, setting, problem, and solution.
- Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences
- Graphic organizer with sequencing
- erase a rhyme
- Focus on sight words (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at, little, in, is, my, put, you, look, do, get)
- Poems:
- I’m a Little Turkey
- Go Get Some
- number talks – Show 3 dot cards with 5 (in different ways) on them. Discuss how many are on each card. Have them justify their thinking. “How do you know they all have 5 when they look so different?”
- Number Line Game: Partners each create their number line. They take turns removing a card while their partners eyes are closed. The partner has to figure out which number is missing.
- Game:: Teach Roll and Build
- Math Inventory Bags Investigations:
- Create 2D and 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows
- Gobble, Gobble, Roll, Add, andCover
- Turkey Feather Count (with pipe cleaners and beads)
- Problem Solving – There were 5 turkeys. 2 turkeys ran away. How many turkeys are left?
- Turkey Story: Model- Parts of book, create your own book
- Students will work with a partner to create a book, review parts of a story
- journals – use sight words (color words and other sight words I, see, we, go, on, the, go, am, like, can, me, at, little, in, is, my, put, look, you, do, get)
- writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation), reference our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
- continue adding to our personal word wall in our writing folders and Use sentence frames to help us write\
- Finish Thanksgiving Paper Bag Book using our class thankful brainstorming chart
- lesson on writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
- Thankful Sentences writing
- Social Studies/Science:
- sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
- Why do leaves change colors?
- Holiday Celebrations – Thanksgiving (brainpop jr.)
- Fun Friday – Blessing Mix and Friendship Bracelet
- The Night Before Thanksgiving book
- Feeling Buddies: utilize partner chart we created last week for I Love You Rituals, continue learning the five-step self regulation process
We had a great week last week. We enjoyed sequencing story events from our Thanksgiving stories. Our class especially loved the book, Turkey Trouble! We have been practicing writing words by stretching the words and listening to the sounds we hear. We also worked a lot with creating addition number sentences using rekenreks and ten frames. Please enjoy some pictures from last week below:
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 8, 2018
Next week we will be making friendship bracelets using different colored beads and 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows. Please sign up below if you are able to donate any of the supplies. We sure appreciate your help!!
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 5, 2018
Thank you all for attending our students led conferences this week! Each child loved showing their parents their work and progress they have made! I am so proud of them!! I hope you enjoy the “disguise a turkey” family project. Please send your disguised turkey in as soon as you can so that we can enjoy them before the Thanksgiving break.
November 5-9
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Wonderful Woman
- Penmanship: Letters Yy, Ee, Ff
- Sight Words: look, you
- Reading: There was an Old Lady who swallowed a Pie, Pete The Cat Thanksgiving, Turkey Trouble
- Discuss main character, setting, and order of events.
- Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences
- Graphic organizer with sequencing
- Turkey erase a rhyme
- Focus on sight words (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at, little, in, is, my, put, you, look)
- Poems:
- You Need
- Glad I’m Not a Turkey
- Math:
- number talks – Dot Cards, also use 2 rekenreks. Figure out the total on each. Then, the total all together. What do you see? How do you see it?
- Grab and Count 2 Handfuls of objects
- Number Line Game: Partners each create their number line. They take turns removing a card while their partners eyes are closed. The partner has to figure out which number is missing.
- problem solving – which 3D shapes roll, stack, or slide?
- Turkey Feather Count (with pipe cleaners and beads)
- Problem Solving – There were 5 turkeys. 2 turkeys ran away. How many turkeys are left?
- Have students create their own dot cards on notecards. Allow them to figure out how many and show it/share.
- Activity: Create Ten Craft: Use dice to come up with the some of ten
- Writing
- journals – use sight words (color words and other sight words I, see, we, go, on, the, go, am, like, can, me, at, little, in, is, my, put, look, you)
- writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation), reference our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
- continue adding to our personal word wall in our writing folders and Use sentence frames to help us write\
- Review labeling anchor chart, draw a big turkey on chart paper and label it, use sentence stems to write a sentence about your turkey.
- Thanksgiving Paper Bag Book using our class thankful brainstorming chart
- lesson on writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
- Social Studies/Science:
- sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
- Why are Pumpkins Orange
- Drawing and Labeling a turkey
- Holiday Celebrations – Thanksgiving (brainpop jr.)
- Fun Friday – Finish Walking Spiders!
- Feeling Buddies: Keeping Our Feeling Buddies Safe – to recognize feeling faces, name the feeling and learn self-regulatory self-talk