Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 31, 2019
Hope everyone has had a great weekend! Please remember to send in your stamped and addressed envelopes so your child can mail an invitation to their Grandparents for our upcoming Grandparents Day performance. Also remember to send in the Grandparents Day T-shirt size form and $10.
We are going to have a fun filled week! Tomorrow students will see how well their leprechaun traps worked. They left them on their tables over the weekend in hopes of catching a leprechaun or at least some gold he may have dropped.We will also be starting our study on the lifecycle of a butterfly by observing real caterpillars each day.
What we will be learning the week of April 1-5:
- I Love You Ritual song: This Little Finger
- Sight Word Review: and, am, are, do, can, Introduce 1st grade words: about, how
- Letters: Review letters:Vv, Ww
- Numbers: Review numbers 0-20 and continue practicing counting to 100 by 1s and 10s
Morning Activities
- Emergent Readers: Three Little Pigs and Where Are We?
- Write about the steps you took to build your Leprechaun trap
- Journal Writing (yes), write yes 3 times, use yes in a sentence, rainbow write yet, build the word yes
- Sight Word Concentration
- Finish Last Name Graphing, how many letters in your last name
- What Is Your Favorite Weather Graph
- Sight Word Journal Dance, students dance to music, when music stops students write down sight word called out
- Continue working on beginning, middle, and end writing
Morning Message:
- Daily Star Student – share something with class and write a sentence about what was said. Find letters, digraphs, blends in sentence. Fix mistakes (capital, spacing, punctuation)
- stretching sounds to write words, beginning blend sounds, counting words in a sentence, rhyming words
- Identify story elements of a fairytale, discuss main idea of fairytale and connect it to their own personal experience. Compare/contrast fairy tale versions of the same story and retell the fairy tales
- books: The Three Little Pigs (different versions)
- Complete Story Elements of The Three Little Pigs
- Venn Diagram: The Three LIttle Pigs and The True Story of the Three Pigs
- Who Do You Believe? (The wolf or the pigs) Graph
- Retell the story of The Three Little Pigs using puppets
- Have students complete sequencing page for the Three Little Pigs
- Lesson on adding s and es to words, Play Mimeo Plural Nouns Game
- Poems: Spring is Here, I’m an Easter Bunny, The Funny Man
- Phoneme Segmenting and Blending – Students will name the picture and segment the word into phonemes while slowly sliding the parts together
- Identify U.S. Coins by name, including pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters
- Youtube Coin Song:
- Money Anchor Chart
- Coin Bingo
- Continue learning about coins, review using magnetic coins and money songs
- Collect, sort, and organize data into two or three categories
- create a domino sum graph
- PowerPoint: What Does Not Belong? Students will share which item does not belong and justify why.
- I have, I Wish I Had, dot card game (teen numbers)
- students will work in small groups. Each group has to come up with all of the ways to make the number on their chart paper. (teen numbers)
- QR Code Math Game
- Clear the Deck Game -Review addition and subtraction with this game. Children work in pairs and split one game board. Each child starts with 10 cubes on their ten frame. They roll a +/- 1,2, or 3 dice to determine how many cubes to add or subtract from their side. The first to “clear their deck” wins!
- Number Talk: Using Rekenreks, How many beads do you see? How do you see them? subitize, counting strategies, finger fluency, different ways to show a number, ways to come up with that number.
- Number Talk: Dot Cards, What do you see? How do you see it?
- Youtube: Subitizing Video:
Math Centers:
- Sort and Graph Jelly Beans (math by self)
- – Money
- Sorting Money, Tic Tac Teen (horseshoe) and Problem Solving
- Coin Rubbings and counting by 10’s headbands (Journals)
- Flower Sum Dominos (math with a partner)
- Create a Large Story Map of The Three Little Pigs students can take turns walking down the path and retelling the story
- Finish Class Rhyming Book – There’s A Wocket In My Pocket
- journal writing using sight words and new spring vocabulary
- Continue setting and using writing goals
- Use Story Dice to roll different settings, character, and events. Continue Using story map to write beginning, middle, end story.
Social Studies/Science:
- Grow a bean in a baggie experiment
- Begin Lifecycle of A Butterfly
- FUN FRIDAY: Walking Water
Feeling Buddies: Feeling Buddies: Seeing with Loving Eyes
- Sing #17 It’s Okay
- When our feelings get ahold of us, sometimes we act in hurtful ways. That is why we practice getting ahold of our feelings.. Once we get ahold of our feelings, we can turn our thinking brains on, see things differently, and learn new ways of solving problems
- Students will make heart shaped glasses, they will play “using my loving eyes” to see situations differently
Hope you all have a great week!!