What we will be learning during the week of September 25-29th


Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 24, 2017

Morning Journals:

  • M – We can ___ . (write sentences using action word cards)
  • T – Dry erase boards, writing numerals 1-20
  • W – I go to ___ . (write sentences using environmental print cards)
  • Th – playdough/toothpick writing, (students use list of sight word to refer to when writing)
  • F – I am at the  __. (write sentences using “places” cards)

Morning Message:

  • M – Make chart with students, “These are words, These are numbers, This is a sentence”
  • T – Write the missing letter for each word (beginning sounds)
  • W – Can we find words that are the same? (use crayons to color the same words the same color)
  • Th – Tchart, write a lowercase g / write a capital G
  • F – Match the dots to the number word, make a list of words that begin with h


  • M – Make a FALL word bank, draw and label a Fall Picture
  • T – Fall Sentences: Write about Fall using senses. Use sight words with writing (we, go, at.) Make a web/brainstorm list of things children can see, students will illustrate and write about something they can see..
  • W-F – 5 Senses Class Book, students will illustrate and write about something they can hear, smell, and touch.


  • Big Books – Animals at Night and Frog Food
  • Focus – sight words, punctuation, characters, make predictions from the title and cover, discuss author and illustrator, 
  • Questions – Who is the main character?  What are some things she likes to do? What is a setting? Who is the book about?  What did character do?  How did the book end? How the story could be made better?
  • Sight words: we, go, at
  • Poems:  We See Leaves (to work on the sight word: we) and I Go (to work on the sight word: go)


  • Number Talks using strategies to represent numbers (Ten Frames, DotCards, Rekenreks, etc…
  • M – students will put numbers (0-10) in order then put the correct amount of objects under each number. Students will use the Ten Frame Write the Room page to go around the room and count how many objects are on each ten frame. They will record their observations on the paper.
  • T – Flash Subitizing Cards and have students subitize, The Counting Jar (discuss counting strategies), *Practice counting from the jar using the “I Am a Candy Counter’ math page. Then, have them create an equivalent set.

    Questions/Discussion – What do you notice about how she/he counted? Discuss double checking (counting a different way)

  • W – Students will use colored bears to make the amount they see on the whiteboard. Students will grab a handful of manipulatives, count them, and then show how many they had and how they figured it out on a recording sheet.
  • Th – Students will will draw their family and show how many on recording sheet. Discuss how you would count the number of family members/write the numeral.
  • F – Math Centers/Common Assessment (shapes/number sense)

Science – 5 senses

  • M – Book, My Five Senses, – students will learn about 5 senses with BrainPopJr. 5 Senses
  • T – Book, We’re Going on a Leaf Hunt – students will collect a leaf and make leaf rubbings
  • W – Book, Listening Walk, students will go on a Listening/Nature Walk. Collect items to add in Science Center. Draw a picture of something you heard on our listening walk.
  • Th – Book, When the Leaf Blew In, sort leaves by attributes
  • F – There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves, students will use leaves from leaf collection to make leaf art

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