Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 18, 2019
Happy Presidents Day! I hope you are enjoying this long weekend. I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
On Friday we sure enjoyed making chalk shadows. The weather was perfect, giving us plenty of sun to see our shadows. I’ll post pictures of our chalk shadows and other fun activities from last week.
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Where are those Hands
- Sight Words: have, of, was
Morning Activities
- Sentence Scramble. Students cut words and glue in order. Students write the sentence and illustrate.
- Journal Writing (was) – Draw a bear and write the poem, Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear
- Winter Fluency Find It Game – middle sounds
- Yes/No Graphing, Does your first name have more letters than your last name?
- Continue working on beginning, middle, and end writing
Morning Message:
- Sneaky E words, 20 frames
- sh, ch, th digraphs, using number bonds to write number sentences
- stretching sounds to read words, complete number bonds
- sight word bingo
- Students will identify the topic and details in expository text referring to the words and/or illustrations.
- Talk about the different features and why we read informational texts. Students will explore some nonfiction books.
- Informational Books Chart
- BrainPopJr: Reading Nonfiction
- What is fiction? What is nonfiction? Charts
- Pick a nonfiction topic such as polar bears. Make a kWL chart. Start charting details learned from the book. Have them keep a KWL chart that they can record on.
- Use Pebble Go to learn more information about Polar Bears
- books: Polar Bears, Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons, Hamilton Duck
- Long O chart and Sounds of Y Chart
- Poems: Hippity-hop to the Candy Shop, Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Bear
- Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences in poems, op word family, review the sounds of y poster and apply to poem to assist in reading
- compound word match
- Phoneme Segmenting and Blending – Students will name the picture and segment the word into phonemes while slowly sliding the parts together
- solve word problems using objects and drawings to find sums up to 10
- model the action of joining to represent addition
- explain the strategies used to solve problems involving adding within 10 using words, pictures, and number sentences
- Number Talk: I have ____ I wish I had ___. Use a post-it to cover up part of the dots. Say: “I have 4, I wish I had 8. How many are covered up with the post it? How did you see it?
- Read The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Activity: use carrots to act out subtraction problems. While some students are acting out the problems, other students will model problems on their Bunny Work Mats and record answers on whiteboards.
- Read 5 Little Speckled Frogs, Activity: act out story and write subtraction problems using frog/log printables:
- Use foam hearts to create addition number sentences.
- use the Pete the Cat Work Mat to model subtraction situations using buttons. write subtraction equations
- book: The Mission of Addition, activity: make, act out, and solve story problems
- Number Talk: Using Rekenreks, How many beads do you see? How do you see them? subitize, counting strategies, finger fluency, different ways to show a number, ways to come up with that number.
- Number Talk: Dot Cards, What do you see? How do you see it?
Math Centers:
- Candy Heart Graphing (math by self)Lesson: MIMIO: Five Little Monkeys Subtraction (technology)
- Math assessment (horseshoe)
- Heart Counting – number sequencing 1-20 (journals)
- Piggy Bank Addition: Have students pick some items from around the room (pencils, crayons, markers, books, etc…) to put price tags on. Allow the students to price items (1 cents, 10 cents etc…). Students will then pick 2 items to buy and add up their total using the piggy bank addition sheet. (math with a partner)
- Complete making I Can Write 100 Words Class Chart
- Continue Things I Love Interactive Writing
- Continue Interactive Writing – Discuss what a noun is (person, place, or thing)
Sing Song: What is noun? What is a noun? A person, place or thing, A person place or thing. (repeat) Or animal! Throughout the week we will chart nouns we love on hearts: Things we love…, People we love…, Places we love…
- Love Acrostic Poem
- Students will continue to write letters to friends in our school
- Continue setting and using writing goals
- Use story map to begin new beginning, middle, end story.
- Dental Health Month – we will finish discussing the importance of oral health
- Graph: How many Teeth have you lost?
- Brainpopjr: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln
- Brainpopjr: Seasons
- Chart facts about each season
- students will draw themselves in their favorite season, wearing the clothing they would wear during that season.
- Social Studies magazine (Seasons)
- Fun Friday – Fizzing Candy Hearts
Feeling Buddies:
Hope you all have a great week!!