Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 4, 2019
February 4-8
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Groundhog Phil predicted an early spring and it sure felt like it this weekend. My parents and nephew came in and we were able to enjoy a lot of outdoor time watching the kids play.
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Mary, Mary Extra-ordinary
- Sight Words: are, what
Morning Activities
- Sight Word Emergent Reader Book: The Hearts (sight word: are)
- Complete beginning, middle, and end writing
- Journal Writing using sight words
- Make newest sight words with play dough and practice writing them
- Winter Fluency Find It Game
- Make a Class List: What Love Is?
- Discuss purpose for reading and listening to various texts
- Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
- Use titles and illustrations to make predictions about texts.
- book: Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch, activity: Make a surprise valentine for a special person in our school and deliver
- book: Olive My Love, activity: create a B/M/E foldable
- book: There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Rose, activity: Complete Sequencing anchor
- Long I chart
- Sort Characters that are in “The Hat”, students will use the retelling the sticks to retell the story.
- Characters in the Hat- alphabet sort
- Rhyming Words in the Hat
- Poems: Friends, Happy Birthday, 100 days
- Find sight words, letters, words, & sentences in poems, locate _ay/-ow, come up with other words that have -ay and -ow
- solve word problems using objects and drawings to find sums up to 10
- model the action of joining to represent addition
- explain the strategies used to solve problems involving adding within 10 using words, pictures, and number sentences
- book: Bennies Pennies, activity: decomposing the number 5 with the Penny Toss game (Shake up a cup of 5 pennies and draw H for heads and T for tails. Then, write the number sentence)
- book: The Mission of Addition, activity: make, act out, and solve story problems
- Piggy Bank Addition: Have students pick some items from around the room (pencils, crayons, markers, books, etc…) to put price tags on. Allow the students to price items (1 cents, 10 cents etc…). Students will then pick 2 items to buy and add up their total using the piggy bank addition sheet.
- Number Talk: Using Rekenreks, How many beads do you see? How do you see them? subitize, counting strategies, finger fluency, different ways to show a number, ways to come up with that number.
- Number Talk: Dot Cards, What do you see? How do you see it?
Math Centers:
- snowman number toss then build number on ten frame
- snowball addition
- Math Activity: MIMIO: Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers
- I have, Who Has, Math Game
- winter counting play-dough mats
- gumball addition game
- domino addition
- Counting by 10s mittens
- Valentine Adding race to 100 dice game
- Tic Tac Teen
- Continue making I Can Write 100 Words Class Chart
- Interactive Writing – How to make a heart
- I Like Hearts Interactive Poem
- Things I Love Interactive Writing
- Continue Interactive Writing: (with) students will write a sentence about foods they like using the word with, Ex: I want pizza with pepperoni
- Introduce Writing a Letter Anchor Chart and talk about Wee Deliver Writing
- Students will write a letter to a friend in our school
- Review Writing Time Expectations
- Share writing stories with B/M/E
- Review anchor charts – What do writer’s Do? and I can tell a story!
- Continue setting and using writing goals
- lesson on spaces writing words (say it slow, listen for sounds, write sounds you hear)
- Reference Groundhog Day Prediction Graph anddiscuss if the groundhog saw his shadow/make observations from graph
- Read Nonfiction Groundhog Books on Epic Books online
- Social Studies magazine (Responsibility)
- Fun Friday – Shadow Drawing with Chalk
Feeling Buddies:
- Feeling Buddies: Turn on My Thinking Brain
To learn how to turn on your thinking brain by writing or drawing about emotional situations
When we get lost in a feeling, we can’t hear its whisper message. Our thinking brains turn off and we may do or say hurtful things. We can only listen to the messages after we calm down. That is why they are called whisper messages. We have to be relaxed and calm to hear them.
To turn on your thinking brain at the safe place you may choose to draw about what happened or write about it.
Have children practice writing or drawing about a time their feelings got ahold of them. Allow share time if time permits.
Sing Feeling Buddies Rap #7
Hope you all have a great week!!