Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 16, 2017
*Reminder* No school on Friday, October 20th
Morning Activities and Journal Writing (practice using sight words: little, in, and color words):
- M – I see a little ____.
- T – We can go in the ____. (students will glue pictures of vehicles to go with their sentence)
- W-Th – Color Word Book (students will draw and write about each color)
Morning Message:
- M – Students will use letter/word monster to find letters and words in message
- T – Students will name the sight that have been left out of the message. Students will name the numbers that are missing.
- W – Discuss words with the beginning sound (m), students will write an uppercase and lowercase Mm
- Th – Students will stretch out sounds to write three letter words
- M – Continue Bat KWL chart, use sentence frames to write about Halloween Stickers.
- T – Continue Labeling a bat, Review Writer reference folder, students will write about an idea they have in their head in their journals.
- W – Th – Continue with students sharing writing and heart maps with class in authors chair
- Books – Stellaluna, Orange Pumpkin, The Day The Crayons Quit, Scaredy-Cat, Splat
- Focus – color words, sight words, punctuation, characters, make predictions from the title and cover, discuss author and illustrator
- Questions – Who is the main character? What are some things she likes to do? What is a setting? Who is the book about? What did character do? How did the book end? How the story could be made better?
- Sight words: little, in, is, my, color words
- Poem: One Little Bluebird
- Activities- Students will make flip book of character, setting, main idea
- Phonics Lessons – Hearing Words in Sentences and Hearing Syllables
- M – Counting Jar: Recording
- Count items in counting jar. Students will make their idea on a post it and place it on a counting jar chart.
- Create a Real Life Graph using 3D shapes students have brought in
- T – Students will sort pattern blocks by attributes. Students will work in partners using attribute cards.
- W –Roll and Record 2 (#s 2-9) students will roll dice and can write number in correct column.
- Activity: Sort shapes by how many sides they have.
- Th – Students will use a balance scale to measure different items around the classroom to see what is heavier.
- Activity: Using cups of different sizes, students will see which containers can hold the most
- end of 9 weeks benchmark
- F – Predictions – students will grab a handful of cubes. Make a prediction of how many they might be able to grab. Discuss: Why do you think they grabbed that many? Why weren’t they able to grab the same amount?
Science – continue study on bats and community helpers
- M – Bat fact videos, add to KWL chart, brainpop community helpers
- T – Label a bat
- W – Make bat facts picture
- Th – Name differences between bats and birds