May 6-10
Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 6, 2019
What we will be learning the week of May 6-10
- I Love You Ritual song: our song selector will choose a favorite I Love You Ritual each day this week
- Sight Word Review/Spelling Words: is, it, like, little, me, she many
Morning Activities
- write the alphabet and first and last name
- write numerals 1-20 and first and last name
- use playdough and number mats, have students represent quantity of number
- create shapes using tangrams and pipe cleaners, draw shapes on paper
- Do You Like Rain Graph
- Sight Word Journal Dance, students dance, when music stops students write down sight word called out
Morning Message:
- Chart out a morning message with missing word parts (ing, ar, etc…) blends..
- Review Long Vowel Charts
- fix sentences (capital letters, spaces, sentences)
- write the missing blend
- make long vowel words
- Story – We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, use story retelling bottles to retell story
- Franklin and The Thunderstorm, locate word parts throughout, make connections
- The Tiny Seed, Review parts of a flower, chart parts of a plant on anchor
- fin CVC and CVCE words in books, use marker boards to change CVC words into CVCE words, ex. hop/hope
- Draw teen #s on partners back. Partner has to guess the correct teen number.
- Partners roll 2 dice. First one to add up the sum wins!
- Decompose Number 5 using post-its
- Problem Solving: allow students to draw simple addition/subtraction scenarios and then write the number sentence that goes with it.
- match sum of dominoes to numerals on cards
- Practice tally marks using craft sticks.
- Measuring Shoes using square tiles
- Introduce new dice game, Tenzi, sums that equal 10
- students will work in small groups. Each group has to come up with all of the ways to make the number on their chart paper. (teen numbers)
- Make Tally marks using pretzels
- Number Talk: Using Rekenreks, How many beads do you see? How do you see them? subitize, counting strategies, finger fluency, different ways to show a number, ways to come up with that number.
- Number Talk: Dot Cards, What do you see? How do you see it?
- Youtube: Subitizing Video:
Math Centers:
- Sort and Graph Jelly Beans (math by self)
- osmo math
- Problem Solving (horseshoe)
- Pretzel Tally Marks (Journals)
- Goldilocks Roll and Record with Teen Numbers (math with a partner
- Create a color poem, show how to add describing words to make it more interesting
- Review how to make a list, make a list of Things That are Purple
- share zoo stories with class, look for capitalization, spaces, periods
- create ch/wh chart
- students will work by themselves or with a partner to create their own book on a topic of interest
Social Studies/Science:
- Maps and Globes – Students will understand that maps and globes help locate places and will differentiate between land and water feature
- Complete the Sort it out activity (recycle or compost)
- Recycling PowerPoint and Video
- FUN FRIDAY: Walking Water or Skittle Science
Feeling Buddies: Feeling Buddies:Using Your Big Voice
- Sing #2 Breathe
- Read Shubert’s Big Voice
- Make chart of ways to solve a problem*using your big voice
*ask for help
Hope you all have a great week!!