Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 30, 2018
October 1-5
Wow! It is hard to believe the 1st week of October begins tomorrow! We had a lot of fun learning with apples these past couple of weeks. We are looking forward to learning with pumpkins and all of the Homecoming activities coming up!
This week we will be learning:
- I Love You Ritual song: Humpty Dumpty
- Sight Words:color poems/songs (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Orange)
- Numbers: 8, 9, 10
- Reading: White Rabbits Color Book, Animals at Night, Trick or Treat, At School, and Mouse Paint
- rhyming picture match
- erase a rhyme
- focus on sight words (I, can, the, on, am, like, see, me, we, go, at), capital letters, punctuation
- Poems:
- Rainbow Hair (focus on color words)
- Colors (focus on color words)
- Math:
- number talks using ten frames, rekenreks, and dot cards
- number of the day and discuss counting strategies
- problem solving – Who Has More?
- Introduce Measurement (discuss things heavier than us and measure our feet)
- Introduce Race to Ten and Twenty games
- Counting Jar (counting items in a jar in 2 different ways and then creating that quantity using other items)
- math rotation:
- math by myself – 5 in a row game, ten frame write the room
- math with a partner – Measuring Feet, QR Code Math/Ten Frames and 2D/3D Shape Sorting
- math in writing- finish How Many Apples Tall are You? Measure and then draw in journal
- math in technology – shape and number osmo and math mimio
- Meet with Teacher – math common assessment
- Writing
- Using our Five Senses to create a class book
- journals – use sight words (I, see, we, go, on, the) continue making sentences using environmental print
- writing about personal experiences (focus on starting sentences with a capital letter, spacing between words, punctuation)
- create our heart maps of things we love, we can refer to our heart maps to get ideas of what to write about
- Use sentence frames to help us write
- making a list of things that we can write about
- continue drawing and labeling pictures about fall
- 3 Star Pictures and Adding Detail
- Writing Center – take apart and put together sentences
- Small, Tall, Short letters sort
- Social Studies/Science:
- sharing family pictures and pages from our mascot and birthday journals
- Read: My Five Senses
- -Brainpopjr: Five Senses
- Smelling Jars
- Listening Shakers
- Touch Bags
- Tasting (sweet, salty, sour, bitter)
- complete our writing folder covers and heart maps
- Fun Friday – Leaf Art
- Feeling Buddies: Lesson on Strong Emotions and belly breathing to help us calm
Our class had fun making apple boats on Friday! We tested them out in the water. Most turned sideways but we did have a few that stayed upright and floated! We also had a great time on our nature walk. We collected lots of leaves, sticks, and pinecones. We enjoyed doing leaf rubbings with the leaves we collected. This week we will also be using the leaves we collected and those that you all have sent in from home to make leaf art. We will put the remaining leaves and nature items in our sensory bin and students will practice sorting the items by different attributes this week.
Please enjoy the pictures of our nature walk below: