August 20-24, 2018


Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 19, 2018

Thank you parents for all of the supplies and snacks you have sent in for our classroom! Everything is greatly appreciated!!


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*Please send in a family photo for our school family tree. Students can look at these pictures throughout the day!

*Please send a water bottle with lid for your child to use to drink water throughout the day. We do not have a water fountain in our classroom.

*You may walk your child to class for the first 7 days of school. I will be waiting by my door at 7:30. After the first 7 days, we ask that you let them walk by themselves, but don’t fret…There will be several teachers and helpers along the halls to get them to where they need to be and to encourage/love on them!

*On the 8th day, we will start Morning Meeting. This is where the kiddos stay until 7:45 when they will be released to their classroom. We will have lots of practice before this starts!

*My job as your child’s teacher is the safekeeper. I keep everyone safe and your children help me to keep it that way! Everyone in my class will have a job and feel important! We will learn about them within the next few weeks.

Hope you all have a great week!

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