Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on August 26, 2018
This week we will continue learning our rules and procedures for our classroom and school. Each morning we start our day using and learning some Conscious Discipline strategies. We wish each other well and any of our classmates that may be sick that day. We unite as a class through our Good Morning Song. We connect as a class by all working with partners to sing an “I Love You Ritual” song/rhyme. The song we learned last week was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. This week we will be learning Peter Peter Pumpkin. We then learn and practice breathing strategies to use when we are upset and need to calm.
Some of the other things we will be learning this week are:
- We will begin learning about our busy bee centers rules and routines.
- Sight Words: I and Can
- name activities – writing our friend names, matching names with pictures, name puzzles, sorting letters in name/not in name
- Read Aloud: Dan The Flying Man and Where Things Grow, 10 Black Dots
- Math: introduce subtilizing (to see a number and know what it is right away), number talk hand signals, use rekenreks (counting manipulative), number of the day, name graphing and graphing how we get home each day
- Journal Writing: using sight words I and Can
- Social Studies: sharing about our families with the family pictures being sent in, sharing and reading environmental print being sent in, sharing the mascot and birthday journals
Wow! Our first full week was so much fun! Enjoy the pictures below of us making shape picture, doing our morning Conscious Discipline “I Love You” ritual, playing on the playground, going on a Gingerbread hunt to meet school employees, acting out “5 Green and Speckled Frogs”, and the most exciting, Making Slime!
I hope everyone has a great week!! I am looking forward to our 2nd full week together and all of the fun activities we will do.
Thank You,
Mrs. Bradley