Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 2, 2018
*Our class group pictures will be tomorrow, Wednesday, May 2nd. Please send $10.00 (cash only) in the envelope that was sent home in your child’s folder by Friday, May 4th.
*Our Grandparent’s Day Dress Rehearsal will be Thursday, May 3rd at 9:30 in the morning. You are welcome to attend. 🙂
*Grandparent’s Day will be Friday, May 4th at 10:30! We are so excited to put on a great show! There will be a sign out sheet in the classroom for the grandparents to sign your child out if they choose to do so.
*The busiest month of the year is upon us! Please be patient with us as we have assessments, benchmarks and several other deadlines approaching very quickly! I hope you all have a FANTASTIC week!