Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 24, 2018
What We Will Be Learning the Week of April 24-27
*Reminders and Important Information*
*April 24th Field Day 12:30-2:30 (remember to send money/form for sno cones)
*April 27th our class will join Mrs. Dyess’s 2nd grade class and perform a CHAMPS assembly over WISDOM!
*All classes have been practicing extra hard for our upcoming Grandparent’s Day performance on May 4th. Please remember to send $10 for a shirt and addressed/stamped envelopes for the invitations.
*This weeks sight word review/spelling test will be for the words: put, said, saw, see, she Bonus Words: his, at
Weekly Activities:
Morning Activities and Writing
- T – Crack the Code (number words)
- W – Complete writing from last week
- Th – play-dough sight words
- F – Champs Assembly
Morning Message/Interactive Writing:
- Graphing – Do You Like the Rain
- Sneaky e
- Making a list
- editing our class zoo book
- Color Poem – adding descriptive words
- ch and wh words
- Phonics lessons: writing words with blends, solving the mystery sentence using beginning sounds
- Punctuation Song Posters
- Writer’s Workshop Anchor Chart
- Strategies to remember when writing and spelling words Anchor Chart
- Add Wondering Word Wall page to writing resource folder
- Finish Color Poems
- Continue Working on – Writing Beginning, Middle, End Stories (memory with Granparents)
- Students will continue using their writing rubrics and we will review Punctuation and Writing Checklist
- Books – Going On A Bear Hunt, The Tiny Seed, Just Grandma and Me
- Finish making personal connections to The Three Bears
- Retell stories using puppets and readers theatre
- Question of The Day (practice using the sight word yes/no)
Phonics Lessons and Activities
- Practice CVCE words with magnetic letters on the board
- build CVCE words with students holding marker boards
- Long i Mimeo
Poems: (focus: Rhyming Words, Capital Letters, Punctuation, Sight Words, Fluency (reading smoothly, not like a robot, and sounding like we talk), Matching Words, Word Chunks)
- Ice Cream
- We Recycle
Math: (Identify U.S. Coins by name, including pennies, nickels, dimes, quarter; Collect, sort, and organize data into two or three categories, using data or information to create a graph, and reviewing measurement)
Number Talks:
- Rekenreks: creating combinations of 16
- Dot Cards (what do you see? How do you see it?)
- Creating number sentences using a ladybug
Math Activities
- Creating Graphs based on class surveys
- Finish Graphing Hair Color/Observations
- Finish Graphing – How Tall am I using yarn/picture
- Finish Measuring Shoes using Square Tiles
- Connect Four Addition
Math Centers
- Goldilocks Roll and Record with Teen Numbers
- Make Tally marks with pretzels
- Graph Results of question of the day using snap cubes
- Coin Poem, Coin Song, Coin Bingo
- Subitizing Video:, use rekenrek to discuss different ways/combinations to show the number 12
- QR Code Math Game
- Flower Sums using dominos
- Measuring Eggs Practice using unifix cubes
- Roll and Cover, Roll 2 dice, cover sum on corresponding egg
- Number Talk: PowerPoint: What Does Not Belong? (Students will share which item does not belong and justify why.)
- Sorting Coins
- Money Emergent Readers
Science/Social Studies
- Grow a Bean In A Baggie, record observations
- Recycling (discuss why it is important)
Hope You Have A Great Week,
Stephanie Bradley