Posted by bradleys | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 14, 2017
Weekly Plans and Activities
Morning Activities and Journal Writing (practice using sight words: and, for)
- M –Read book, Thanksgiving Dinner, color sight word “for”, color pictures in book
- T – Write sentence using “for” This ____ is for you. Glue picture in blank (flower, balloon, cake, present)
- W –free writing or finish up a writing you have started that is in your writing folder
- Th –Write sentence using “and” and two foods that you like: Ex: I like strawberries and pizza.
- F – Sight Word Bingo
Morning Message:
- M- word family “it”, what sight words are missing?
- T – fix the sentences (capitalization, spaces, punctuation)
- W – what numbers are missing
- Th – stretch and write words, make a sentence
- F – Rhyme Away #2– students listen to story and erase rhymes
Interactive Writing:
- Model Making a Book with Class – Turkey Story, discuss parts of book, make cover, come up with title, make title page.
- Questions – “What’s the first thing that happened?” “Next, what happened?”What is the problem? Finally, what happened? (Solve the problem.)
- Draw a picture and write sentences.
- I Am Thankful writing
- Create a book about a topic you are interested in with a partner
- Finish Thankful Turkey paper bag book
- Turkey in Disquise
- November Words and Inspiration Pages free writing
- Book – Turkey Trouble, The Turkey Who Forgot How To Gobble, Happy Thanksgiving, Bisquit!
- Poems – I’m A Little Turkey, Go Get Some, Turkey Turkey
- Focus – discuss problem/solution in story, draw picture of problem in story, watch brainpopjr about Character and Setting, discuss beginning/middle/end of stories
- Questions –identify the problem/solution, beginning, middle, end of stories.
- Phonics Lessons and Activities- beginning sounds, rhyming words, CVC word boxes, sight word chants
- M – Subitizing with Dot Cards, Roll and Build using dice and snap cubes
- T – Gobble, Gobble – Roll, Add, and Color the Number (using 2 dice)
- W – Review Counting Strategies, Take Inventory (count) things in our classroom
- Th –Four In A Row – Students work with a partner, taking turns turning over 5 frame cards. Each student says how many more dots are needed to make 5 and covers that number on the playing board. The first player to get 4 in a row, wins!
- F – Thanksgiving Graph – what is your favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving?